Video Creation/Editing

We create and edit video reels for the client using content provided by the client or royalty-free music and images without copyright infringement selected by the editor. Videos can often be created using images and content taken directly from the client’s website.

Videos will be up to 2 minutes in duration once developed and can be uploaded to Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Video reel development pricing range from $20 to $40 depending on how quickly the client needs the reel developed, which ranges from 1 to 3 days.


Watch the video below explaining why you need
to include reels/short videos in your strategy!



3 Days

2 Days

1 Day




Order Your Reel

See examples below…

LSBC Reels



Jasper’s Restaurant



LSBC Web Content Management Service


Audi Annapolis



Victory is Yours!



Oral Health