Ebook (Free) – What to Expect? My Parent Has Dementia


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Are you ready and prepared to assist one of the most cherished people in your life with a mind-altering disorder like dementia? Of course you’re not! The sooner you get educated, the better off your loved one and you will be as you deal with and learn about the challenges before you. This book can help you understand and deal with some of the things you will experience right from the beginning.


In this short ebook, I will not cover what dementia is, what‌ causes dementia or any of the statistics surrounding the disease. It is pretty well known that dementia is a disorder that affects a person’s memory. Let me also state clearly that I am not a clinician. I have not completed substantial research on this disorder. I will address the subject from what I’ve experienced and seen for myself when helping my mother with this disorder that drastically impaired her short-term memory and has changed her life in different ways.