Ebook – How to Create and Edit Videos Using Free Apps on Your Phone


In this ebook, I am giving you the know-how to make eye-catching, interesting, attention-grabbing videos by sharing my process and the tools I use, which are the free mobile apps that will make your video marketing experience fun and more effective at zero cost and using less of your time. Purchase on Amazon!


Learn how you can create and edit videos containing exceptional transitions, effects, text, Giphy graphics, music, etc. anytime and from anywhere with your mobile phone. I made all the videos published on my @KKMinistry Instagram  channel and personal Facebook page using the tools and processes that I am going to share with you in this ebook.

One of my father’s favorite sayings is “It is so easy when you know how”. I used to think it was a silly saying because it stated the obvious. It wasn’t until later in life when I saw and experienced things like seeing a plumber install a garbage disposer in 30 minutes that would have taken me a couple of hours that I fully understood the significance and truth of that seemingly simple statement.

In this ebook, I am giving you the know-how to make eye-catching, interesting, attention-grabbing videos by sharing my process and the tools I use, which are the free mobile apps that will make your video marketing experience fun and more effective at zero cost and using less of your time.